

You are alive
A beehive

Look at your face
You smile shines
Not a trace
Of worldly confines


You captivate a room
So bubbly and fresh
A flower in bloom
Beaming outside your flesh

Everyone notices
They are drawn to your energy
Simply dazzling and amazes
Special mysterious alchemy

Your charm
Your power
Your presence
Your attractiveness

Everyone wants you
To steal your vigor
Because they are blue
Playing a fool and poor actor

You are spontaneous
So alive in your spirit
Your harmonious
With this grand merit

I want it too
Since I was fifteen
Constantly trying to renew
Feelings for a girl at fourteen

I have my chance
To suck her marrow
Maybe by happenstance
But I have climbed the plateau

And I am not coming down
To be a mere mortal
I am on here playground
And I too will be adorable



Left to right
Forward and back
Dark to bright
Run to tack

There are many ways to go
And I must change
Do not go with the flow
I must turn the page

Leave Jackson
Do not be shocked
Viking or saxon
Not land locked

A new journey
Sailing away
Leaving absurdity
A new sunset everyday

My intent
My want
My plan
My desire

At sixty not too late
To transition
A new journey and fate
A grand ambition

But wait
Who is this girl
That I went on a date
Her hair has so much curl

I am smitten
By her beauty and enthusiasm
Maybe sailing is not written
She has to be an addendum

My plan b has crumpled
Moving to plan c
My arrogance humbled
I now can see

I want her in my life
And she makes me laugh
With no crazy strife
I want to be her better half

In this moment
In this time
In this minute
In this space

I will pursue her
Wanting to know if she is real
Not some imaginary blur
And my feelings are real

Sailing will be there
But I can not let this pass
I am chasing that wild hair
And this charming lass

There is so much opportunity
There is so much promise
There is so much compassion
There is so much expectation

Go all in
Do not miss the chance
I can only laugh and grin
A sailboat can not kiss or dance

My Old Friend

I missed you
My good friend
We can share a pew
And transcend

Transcend my feelings
My feelings of obscurity
In all routine dealings
Reducing my security

Fall left to right
Shift backwards
The sun so bright
Unable to say words

Where do you hide
In the summertime
Where do you reside
Rushing back time after time

To disrupt my life
Bewitching me
Causing such strife
Not letting me flee

Fleeing the troubles
Fleeing the nuisance
Fleeing the intangibles
Fleeing the assurance

Assurances of stability
Assurances of normality
Assurances of survivability
Assurances of congeniality

I become tired
I become annoyed
I become angered
I become destroyed

Hard to accept
This reoccurring crap
Not well kept
In this sinister trap

Trap of denial
Trap of betrayal
Trap of carnal
Trap of abnormal

This is not just
Give me relief
Can you adjust
And reduce your grief

You must
No other choice
Or you will rust
And lose your voice

Stay steady
Bulk up
Reduce your anxiety
Accept your cup


close up shot of a map with small pieces of flowers
Photo by Olha Ruskykh on
 I remember
 When I was younger
 I was a member
 And did not hunger
 I was strong
 I was healthy and fit
 I sang a happy song
 I had my wit
 I did not worry
 For my health
 I was in a hurry
 To make my wealth
 This was my affiliation
 Make money and win
 Part of a capitalistic nation
 But this was a sin
 To chase money
 Forgetting the rest
 It was not sunny
 Much distress
 I wanted it all
 But pursuing wealth
 Created a great brawl
 Lurking with stealth
 Destroyed relations
 Forgotten friends
 Missed donations
 Not making amends
 Strained relationships
 Desensitized to everyone
 Emotionless trip
 Kindness and empathy none
 Emotions scattered
 Health in ruin
 Definitely battered
 Ready to be done in
 Life falls apart
 Little by little
 Leading to a bad heart
 So brittle
 But I am an associate
 Paying taxes and voting
 A member of our capitalist state
 But I am not gloating
 I forgot the truth
 I forgot the guidelines
 I forgot the nursery rhymes
 I forgot the wisdom books
 A wealth of knowledge
 I learned long ago
 I must acknowledge
 I did know
 Why did I not
 Live a life
 That I was taught
 Without conflict and strife
 Was I needy
 Was I selfish
 Was I greedy
 Was I foolish
 I can agree
 I made a mess
 I was privileged and free
 Why did I need more
 Why could I not be happy
 Why did I war
 Why was I snappy
 Who cares
 All that is gone
 Drop your airs
 Today is a new dawn
 Life is here
 And kind
 Listen and hear
 Open your mind
 To another earth
 One of jubilation
 Allowing a rebirth
 Out of damnation
 To a life of fraternity
 Remembering community
 Now and for eternity
 My new opportunity