


A funny creature
Minding its own business
A wonderful teacher
With its adventurousness

This guy wandered the beach
Chasing you down
Like a leech
Just moving around

The turtle came for food
To each group of people
What a begging dude
As long as food was accessible

I gave it salad
From my picnic lunch
The turtle was delighted
With impromptu brunch

After it’s meal
The turtle moved on
Looking out for a new deal
Shopping like on Amazon


A critical tool
To keep afloat
You are a fool
If not on your boat

Drift into sand bars
Run aground
Not like a car
Earthly bound

There are tides
And current
Waves on all sides
So do not get burnt

Buy the correct ground tackle
Many different types and traits
Correct anchoring is the battle
To avoid mistakes

There is sand
Which is the best
An anchor will stand
When your boat is pressed

Grass is the hardest to set
An anchor will slip
Which is a threat
To your ship

You need pointy flukes
To dig into the ground
There will be no rebukes
Your boat will be sound

Two anchors can be better than one
To keep your boat stable
Increasing your comfort and fun
Do not forget your cable

Plenty of chain
As far as you can
Use your brain
Keep to the plan

At least a length of five
To the depth of the water
You want to stay alive
And not rely on a spotter
Spend the money
Chain is expense
Or you will be on one knee
Begging God when it is tense

An anchor is fundamental
A way to stay grounded
Your life will be more gentle
When circumstances compounded

But what is your anchor in life
What keeps you secure
To avoid unnecessary strife
An anxiety cure

God is the fix
He is no fraud
Remember the crucifix

Jesus is our foundation
He is our security
Keeping us on station
He is our surety

He guarantees
Life after death
Drop to your knees
And take a deep breath

Ask for mercy
Seek repentance
Resolving your controversy
In one simple sentence

If you declare with your mouth
Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead
you will be saved

Jesus is our salvation
And like an anchor is our buffer
From ultimate damnation
You do not have to suffer

I am Back on Social Media

Need to Promote My Writing

I have started writing again. I am no longer on my medicine, and I have written a second book of poetry.


I hope you enjoy my poems. Here is one I wrote the other day:

I Do Not Know

I do not know
I do not understand
I do not accept the status quo
I do not make demands

Lost and alone
Lost and needy
Lost in groans
Very greedy


I search
I chase
In church
In your face

I am not fair
I am not emphatic
Not that I do not care
Not to cause static

My every intention
Is to be loved
Not an intervention
Or to be shoved

But in goodwill
Honest and true
Neither a windmill
Nor a zoo

Help me Lord
Settle down
Not with a sword
Or to shutdown

Honest retrospect
Heartfelt transmission
Giving respect
Honest admission

Of my faults
Of my weaknesses
Of my assaults
To my Jesus

Let me bow
Let me repent
Worship thou
End my torment

Restore my heart
According to your will
I need a fresh start
Make my path downhill

Easy to travel
Easy to see
Less prone to unravel
With a skeleton key

Unlock the doors
Make my way
On all fours
So I can pray

Heavenly Father
Forgive me
Bless my sister
Hear my plea

In Jesus name
My sins disappear
Without shame

I am new
Today everyday
No blame
Without decay

Holy Spirit
Old life killed

Written by: Conrad Birmingham


hotrod die cast model on board
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com
 All my thoughts
 Are influenced by the Bible
 Plagiarism in spots
 Am I possibly libel
 I do not know
 But I have read it many times
 There is not unique prose
 We are not voiceless mimes
 The story of Christ
 And how to share his love
 Spliced and sliced
 It is all from above
 Above in God
 God allows it
 His grand skit
 I apologize
 If I copy or paraphrase
 I want to emphasize
 I want to give God praise
 Not copy you
 Or steal your work
 I like your view
 Am I a jerk
 I do not think so
 I am true
 To whom I owe
 My gracious renew
 God saved me
 Through his Son
 I am free
 And it is done
 I have to spread the news
 Jesus is the way
 I want no one to lose
 The possibility of today
 Find Jesus today
 Repent today
 Seek forgiveness today
 Believe in Jesus today
 Jesus is Lord
 And God raised him from the dead
 The gospel is not a sword
 Just everlasting bread
 Bread of Life
 Life everlasting
 Not senseless strife
 Jesus is worth broadcasting
 If I use your writing
 In an inappropriate fashion
 I am not fighting
 Full of passion
 To share with sincerity
 To praise their glory
 To explain with clarity
 To share the greatest story 

Tools to Help me Live

I have struggled for years, and I have searched for tools to help me live better. I want tools to help me learn what triggers my symptoms and how to reset the triggers as quickly as possible.

I have had ongoing issues for years, and no physical defects can be found beyond repaired damage to knee and hips along with blood clots. I have fallen backward; my neck hurts, my head hurts, my eyes get stressed, my head goes blank, my body wobbles, and many other little nuisances. No one has given me solutions to these issues except to drug me up and to make me into a zombie. I don’t particularly appreciate living this way. If anything, this lifestyle drives anxiety and depression, which activates, compounds, and exaggerated my issues.

The diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) opens new avenues to explore, including Cognitive behavior Theory and Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). I am exploring these two tools, and I am seeking counselors to help me learn these tools and to apply them to my life.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is based on several core principles, including:

1. Psychological problems are based, in part, on faulty or unhelpful ways of thinking.

2. Psychological problems are based, in part, on learned patterns of unhelpful behavior.

3. People suffering from psychological problems can learn better ways of coping with them, thereby relieving their symptoms and becoming more effective in their lives.


Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Its main goals are to teach people how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate their emotions, and improve their relationships with others.


The Linehan Institute Behavioral Tech. What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)? 2017.

I plan to write more about my journey, trying to understand these tools and how they are working to make my life better. I will add posts about other tools that I use to help, including breathing exercises, writing, exercising, and yoga—also, a post here and there about God and his provision for me. These tools and exercises do not compete with God. To me, they are the fruit of God’s existence.

I hope they may help you if you have sprouts of anxiety or depression.

Have any of you had any experiences with CBT or DBT? Did it help?