


We are split
What a surprise
Bear it with grit
Seek a compromise

There needs to be a better way
Then argue and fight
In a constant dreadful fray
Of whom is right

But no one is righteous
If they lie and cheat
Manufacturing a crisis
With a simple tweet

Multiplying unto social media
With no concern for the truth
Told in an encyclopedia
Or from the book of our youth

There are laws
Which are not followed
Million enter without a pause
It is hard to swallow

Come in legally
As the law requires
Showing respect and decency
Not like brush fires

Rushing from place to place
Destroying here and there
An outlandish race
Without any care

There are thefts
There are deaths
There are rapes
There are murders

And for what reason
Or righteous cause
Is it the season or treason
Or just because

Kamala the Border Czar
Did nothing to stop it
Acting like a film star
Not using her wit

An attorney general
Who knows the rules
Satisfying the Democratic electoral
Along with many other fools

It must end
And soon
To reverse this trend
Before high noon

The fractions will divide more
Ending in a civil war
With plenty of gore
From shore to shore



Do you think they all lie
And not tell us the truth
Making me want to cry
You must be a sleuth

To figure out the falsehoods
Because they all tell them
Ruining our neighborhoods
Thinking we are dumb


Too many immigrants are not good
Especially when we have laws
We have known since childhood
But it supports their cause

Build a wall
And enforce the statutes
Construct welcoming halls
And perform interviews

Teach them English
And United States history
What skills do they distinguish
And they will not be a mystery

Who are these people
Why do they come free
Make them townspeople
So we welcome them with glee

Too many impoverished and poor
Not earning enough to live
Live in grandeur
Or even to thrive

Why can they not make a living
Where they can be healthy and spry
Is it our fault for giving

And not making them earn with grit
But there should be a safety net
But not permanent dependence
Where they act like a house pet

Giving too much
And not making them earn it
We gave many a crutch
With too much dependance


People deserve healthcare
Which does not make them broke
But I must swear
It is just a big joke

Redo the healthcare borders
Allowing it throughout the nation
Not prescribed to regional areas or orders
Or to a persons credit station

Putting people in debt
So they can be healed
Is a poor bet
Leading to the paupers field

Every problem can be fixed
If people want them fixed
Do politicians want them fixed
Or do they want bank accounts fixed

Lobbyist protecting their turf
Paying out gigantic sums
While we all burst
Fighting over the crumbs

Everyday people are left with poor choices
And listening to politicians is a waste
Because they do not listen to our voices
Leaving me with a bad taste


baby holding person s index finger
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What is injustice
Do we really know
Or is it trust us
Just go with the flow

The flow of slavery
Was the cry
Requiring bravery
Resulting in many to die

A Civil War
Many killed
On Americas shore
The Union fulfilled

A mighty victory
Freeing the slaves
Lincolns valedictory
Following him to the grave

Abortion a cry today
Millions killed before they are born
A legal fray
America torn

Do unborn have rights
Or they live beings
Shining living lights
With thoughts and feelings

Many do not think so
But they thought that long ago
Slaves had no ability to grow
Grow their intelligence past Jim Crow

Unable to vote
Unable to own
Unable to integrate
Unable to relate

But they were alive
And they were given birth
A dream to strive
On this earth

But not the aborted
Never given a chance
Their lives thwarted
Before given a chance to dance

Dance with breath
Dance with a cry
Dance with a hug
Dance with a kiss

Why do they not matter
Abortion is a lie
It is not a womans right

A baby in the womb
Is a God given life
Give the unborn a chance to bloom
And end this strife

Seek the justice
A living human being deserves
Our consciousness should confront us
And upset our nerves

Our nerves need to tingle
And know what is true
A fetus is a living human
Just like me and you

On Trampled Ground

Over Trampled Ground

Visit and enjoy
But what is it
Just a clever decoy
A tourist pit

Not songs of old
Beautiful places of the unknown
Or stories told
Of luscious home grown

But overcrowded masses
Seeing what is made for them
Looking through tourist glasses
The not authentic ho hum

What was
Is gone
A faux pas
Just a yawn

Days long ago
When it was exquisite
A local partisan show
With sentiment and eloquence

An old charm
With genuine people
Living simply with no alarm
On the side of the steep hill

Vineyards and orchards
Olives and grapes
With no ill words
Living with what it takes

To be simple
And kind
With no one to swindle
Or steal you blind

But today
There are plenty
Battling the fray
Too many

In these tourist traps
Marketed as something special
But just ridiculous scraps
On a monetary hijacked vessel




Denver is  the man
Growing like crazy
He is part of the clan
And he is not lazy

Moving about
Zoom and zag
Ready to loudly shout
And play a game of tag

He can be shy
Hard to get going
Then he is ready to fly
With no slowing

He can be hard headed
Wanting his way
Which can make you lightheaded
But he is almost four but halfway

He is caring and loving
Wanting a hug from you
Giving one without complaining
A hug is honest and true

I like Denver
We have fun
He will be an achiever
A strong one