

Left to right
Forward and back
Dark to bright
Run to tack

There are many ways to go
And I must change
Do not go with the flow
I must turn the page

Leave Jackson
Do not be shocked
Viking or saxon
Not land locked

A new journey
Sailing away
Leaving absurdity
A new sunset everyday

My intent
My want
My plan
My desire

At sixty not too late
To transition
A new journey and fate
A grand ambition

But wait
Who is this girl
That I went on a date
Her hair has so much curl

I am smitten
By her beauty and enthusiasm
Maybe sailing is not written
She has to be an addendum

My plan b has crumpled
Moving to plan c
My arrogance humbled
I now can see

I want her in my life
And she makes me laugh
With no crazy strife
I want to be her better half

In this moment
In this time
In this minute
In this space

I will pursue her
Wanting to know if she is real
Not some imaginary blur
And my feelings are real

Sailing will be there
But I can not let this pass
I am chasing that wild hair
And this charming lass

There is so much opportunity
There is so much promise
There is so much compassion
There is so much expectation

Go all in
Do not miss the chance
I can only laugh and grin
A sailboat can not kiss or dance

Battle of Nerves vs Mental

Battle of Nerves vs Mental
What to do next
I wander about
I am perplexed
I want to shout
Leave me alone
Let me be
I want to moan
But then there is she
She is Smart Girl
She will not let me quit
She is a rare precious pearl
She has much grit
You are fine
You are curable
Quit your whine
You are endurable
Your lungs sing a song
Your heart is exceptionally good
Your muscles are strong
You are a forest of maple wood
You fall and almost fall
You have bouts and seasons
Where you hit a wall
Without any reasons
No one has diagnosed you
Telling you anything
No reason to worry and stew
Anxiety and depression sting
Worse than your illness
Quit being an awful bore
Live each day in its brilliance
Open the morning door and roar
Life is noble and grand
Life is pleasing and sweet
Life is unexplored land
Life is a delicious treat
Smart Girl wants to pursue
Conversion disorder and
Functional neurological disorder
Which is fine with me
The brain and nervous mechanisms
Do not efficiently communicate
Resulting in many schisms
In my neurological state
Somewhere between nerves and mental
Everyone knows I am crazy
But let us not be judgmental
We all can be a little hazy
Good news I believe
Continue the medical journey
Looking for reprieve
After six years of a debilitating tourney
What is a year or two more
Smart Girl motivates me
To continue the unfair war
And I agree