Black Lives Matter

“Abortion Wars: Kill the Supreme Court Justices” by Conrad Birmingham –

“One of the most alarming chapters of this story is the number of black abortions in the United States. Thirty percent of the black population has been aborted over the past fifty years. That is 18 million babies aborted. This is an enormous, horrific number. The real story is why there is no outcry from black leaders, especially the Black Live Movement, religious leaders, and liberal democrats. Why do they ignore these horrible, despicable statistics?”

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My Old Friend

I missed you
My good friend
We can share a pew
And transcend

Transcend my feelings
My feelings of obscurity
In all routine dealings
Reducing my security

Fall left to right
Shift backwards
The sun so bright
Unable to say words

Where do you hide
In the summertime
Where do you reside
Rushing back time after time

To disrupt my life
Bewitching me
Causing such strife
Not letting me flee

Fleeing the troubles
Fleeing the nuisance
Fleeing the intangibles
Fleeing the assurance

Assurances of stability
Assurances of normality
Assurances of survivability
Assurances of congeniality

I become tired
I become annoyed
I become angered
I become destroyed

Hard to accept
This reoccurring crap
Not well kept
In this sinister trap

Trap of denial
Trap of betrayal
Trap of carnal
Trap of abnormal

This is not just
Give me relief
Can you adjust
And reduce your grief

You must
No other choice
Or you will rust
And lose your voice

Stay steady
Bulk up
Reduce your anxiety
Accept your cup


  I do not know who you are
 You talk three hours through a screen
 We did debate and spar
 Not ugly or mean
 We played with each other
 And talked and talked
 We enjoyed one another
 Our emotions not locked
 But what happened that very day
 You did not respond or communicate 
 You replied with nothing to say
 Causing me much frustration
 You sent a positive message 
 You missed me as a companion
 I thought we had a shot
 My plight was not a deep canyon
 I raced to see you
 To talk to you in person
 So much hope to renew
 Only to worsen
 You would not see me
 You would not talk
 Address my plea
 What a shock
 You did not want to come out
 And tell me your troubles
 And what this was about
 My apprehension doubles
 Why did you call the night before
 Why did we flirt and play
 Why did you spend 3 hours on the phone
 Why did you act like the good old days
 But I learned reality
 You came outside
 And said you were free
 And your position was clarified
 You did not see us long term
 You did not want to lead me on
 You were very definite and firm
 You did not want me as a pawn
 It was hard for me to listen
 I was denied and rejected
 Your tears did glisten
 I pleaded and objected
 Holding you tight
 You were so frail
 It was the end of the night
 And I took flight
 As I drove away
 I realized so much
 And knew it his way
 Our life would be dutch
 No more togetherness
 No more reliance
 No more dependence
 No more shared memories
 Two lives afloat
 In our own little ships
 Circling in a moat
 On our own trips
 The next day I realized
 We are good friends
 My memories prized
 And I wanted to make amends
 We can be pals and mates
 Open to conversation
 Definitely no romantic dates
 And no long term relations
 We can be kind
 And we can be heartfelt
 All a matter of the mind
 And the cards we are dealt
 Friends for life
 What does that mean
 Not husband and wife
 A future unseen