

Do you think they all lie
And not tell us the truth
Making me want to cry
You must be a sleuth

To figure out the falsehoods
Because they all tell them
Ruining our neighborhoods
Thinking we are dumb


Too many immigrants are not good
Especially when we have laws
We have known since childhood
But it supports their cause

Build a wall
And enforce the statutes
Construct welcoming halls
And perform interviews

Teach them English
And United States history
What skills do they distinguish
And they will not be a mystery

Who are these people
Why do they come free
Make them townspeople
So we welcome them with glee

Too many impoverished and poor
Not earning enough to live
Live in grandeur
Or even to thrive

Why can they not make a living
Where they can be healthy and spry
Is it our fault for giving

And not making them earn with grit
But there should be a safety net
But not permanent dependence
Where they act like a house pet

Giving too much
And not making them earn it
We gave many a crutch
With too much dependance


People deserve healthcare
Which does not make them broke
But I must swear
It is just a big joke

Redo the healthcare borders
Allowing it throughout the nation
Not prescribed to regional areas or orders
Or to a persons credit station

Putting people in debt
So they can be healed
Is a poor bet
Leading to the paupers field

Every problem can be fixed
If people want them fixed
Do politicians want them fixed
Or do they want bank accounts fixed

Lobbyist protecting their turf
Paying out gigantic sums
While we all burst
Fighting over the crumbs

Everyday people are left with poor choices
And listening to politicians is a waste
Because they do not listen to our voices
Leaving me with a bad taste



A Republic
A Democracy
An Oligarchy
An Aristocracy

What are we
Who runs us
Are we free
What is the fuss

I can tell you
A government ran by a few
We should be bitter and blue
But who understood and knew

We live our lives
Enjoying it all
And our kids and wives
As long as we play ball

Everything is fine
Until you ask real questions
And lights will shine
On the underlying tensions

Small groups control
Our economy and government
Remember the grassy knoll 
And all the other uppercuts

These groups are self seeking
And they are underhanded
Lying when they are speaking
Stealing all they have demanded

This is the rule of the elite
The rule of the nobility
The rule of cronyism
And the rule of nepotism

A leadership class rules
Stealing everything
Thinking we are fools
Accepting their sting

Sting of war
Sting of economic disaster
Sting of epidemic
Sting of climate crisis

The same people rule our country
And is it better or worse
Neither are we hungry
Nor are resources scarce

But for many they are both
There are riots in the streets
Crime and murder that we loath
Brough to you by the cheats

Mark my words
It is too late
They will reduce us by thirds
And that is our fate



You are alive
A beehive

Look at your face
You smile shines
Not a trace
Of worldly confines


You captivate a room
So bubbly and fresh
A flower in bloom
Beaming outside your flesh

Everyone notices
They are drawn to your energy
Simply dazzling and amazes
Special mysterious alchemy

Your charm
Your power
Your presence
Your attractiveness

Everyone wants you
To steal your vigor
Because they are blue
Playing a fool and poor actor

You are spontaneous
So alive in your spirit
Your harmonious
With this grand merit

I want it too
Since I was fifteen
Constantly trying to renew
Feelings for a girl at fourteen

I have my chance
To suck her marrow
Maybe by happenstance
But I have climbed the plateau

And I am not coming down
To be a mere mortal
I am on here playground
And I too will be adorable

Who Is She

Who Is She


She is a lightening beam
Her own liturgy
I can only dream
So full.of energy

Why is she alone
No one has claimed her
She is not owned
By a mister or sir

Probably her choice
She is strong
With her own voice
She knows right from wrong

She wants a companion
Just like me
Who will not abandon
An attentive attendee

To life
To grief
To celebration
To sorrow

She wants comfort
So do I
She want to be unhurt
And not cry

She wants gaiety
She wants merriment
She wants playfulness
She wants levity

We all want this
We do much research
Along with a kiss
And we search and search

Giving up hope
This person will never be found
And I am no dope
To catch someone on the rebound

Please God give me a chance
To find love and contentment
Along with romance
And adornment”



Left to right
Forward and back
Dark to bright
Run to tack

There are many ways to go
And I must change
Do not go with the flow
I must turn the page

Leave Jackson
Do not be shocked
Viking or saxon
Not land locked

A new journey
Sailing away
Leaving absurdity
A new sunset everyday

My intent
My want
My plan
My desire

At sixty not too late
To transition
A new journey and fate
A grand ambition

But wait
Who is this girl
That I went on a date
Her hair has so much curl

I am smitten
By her beauty and enthusiasm
Maybe sailing is not written
She has to be an addendum

My plan b has crumpled
Moving to plan c
My arrogance humbled
I now can see

I want her in my life
And she makes me laugh
With no crazy strife
I want to be her better half

In this moment
In this time
In this minute
In this space

I will pursue her
Wanting to know if she is real
Not some imaginary blur
And my feelings are real

Sailing will be there
But I can not let this pass
I am chasing that wild hair
And this charming lass

There is so much opportunity
There is so much promise
There is so much compassion
There is so much expectation

Go all in
Do not miss the chance
I can only laugh and grin
A sailboat can not kiss or dance