I missed you My good friend We can share a pew And transcend Transcend my feelings My feelings of obscurity In all routine dealings Reducing my security Fall left to right Shift backwards The sun so bright Unable to say words Where do you hide In the summertime Where do you reside Rushing back time after time To disrupt my life Bewitching me Causing such strife Not letting me flee Fleeing the troubles Fleeing the nuisance Fleeing the intangibles Fleeing the assurance Assurances of stability Assurances of normality Assurances of survivability Assurances of congeniality I become tired I become annoyed I become angered I become destroyed Hard to accept This reoccurring crap Not well kept In this sinister trap Trap of denial Trap of betrayal Trap of carnal Trap of abnormal This is not just Give me relief Can you adjust And reduce your grief You must No other choice Or you will rust And lose your voice Stay steady Bulk up Reduce your anxiety Accept your cup