Left to right
Forward and back
Dark to bright
Run to tack
There are many ways to go
And I must change
Do not go with the flow
I must turn the page
Leave Jackson
Do not be shocked
Viking or saxon
Not land locked
A new journey
Sailing away
Leaving absurdity
A new sunset everyday
My intent
My want
My plan
My desire
At sixty not too late
To transition
A new journey and fate
A grand ambition
But wait
Who is this girl
That I went on a date
Her hair has so much curl
I am smitten
By her beauty and enthusiasm
Maybe sailing is not written
She has to be an addendum
My plan b has crumpled
Moving to plan c
My arrogance humbled
I now can see
I want her in my life
And she makes me laugh
With no crazy strife
I want to be her better half
In this moment
In this time
In this minute
In this space
I will pursue her
Wanting to know if she is real
Not some imaginary blur
And my feelings are real
Sailing will be there
But I can not let this pass
I am chasing that wild hair
And this charming lass
There is so much opportunity
There is so much promise
There is so much compassion
There is so much expectation
Go all in
Do not miss the chance
I can only laugh and grin
A sailboat can not kiss or dance
Category: Sailing

A critical tool To keep afloat You are a fool If not on your boat Drift into sand bars Run aground Not like a car Earthly bound There are tides And current Waves on all sides So do not get burnt Buy the correct ground tackle Many different types and traits Correct anchoring is the battle To avoid mistakes There is sand Which is the best An anchor will stand When your boat is pressed Grass is the hardest to set An anchor will slip Which is a threat To your ship You need pointy flukes To dig into the ground There will be no rebukes Your boat will be sound Two anchors can be better than one To keep your boat stable Increasing your comfort and fun Do not forget your cable Plenty of chain As far as you can Use your brain Keep to the plan At least a length of five To the depth of the water You want to stay alive And not rely on a spotter Spend the money Chain is expense Or you will be on one knee Begging God when it is tense An anchor is fundamental A way to stay grounded Your life will be more gentle When circumstances compounded But what is your anchor in life What keeps you secure To avoid unnecessary strife An anxiety cure God God is the fix He is no fraud Remember the crucifix Jesus is our foundation He is our security Keeping us on station He is our surety He guarantees Life after death Drop to your knees And take a deep breath Ask for mercy Seek repentance Resolving your controversy In one simple sentence If you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved Jesus is our salvation And like an anchor is our buffer From ultimate damnation You do not have to suffer

How do you move From one lifestyle to another way What do you have to prove Or who do you have to betray Leaving your loved ones Moving far away Tired of the reruns Satisfied to exit the fray To most of us The little things do not matter But I cannot handle the fuss All the unnecessary chatter I hate the escalation of the mundane It drives me nuts And it hurts my brain To live continually in a rut So how do you escape From this routine Wanting to create a new shape Without making a scene Pray to God Ask for direction This is not odd A way of injection Create a vision Let people know Helps them envision Your plan so it can grow Grow on their minds Not a great surprise When I chase the winds And say my goodbyes What is success How does that look Write it down to reduce stress Use a one dollar composition book Write your thoughts In this journal Connect the dots A commitment eternal Read it periodically Change it if needed A true methodically Success will be seeded Payoff your debts Have no liabilities Easy as it gets Increasing the possibilities Possibilities to leave With no restrictions A grand reprieve From regular convictions Automate your finances Depositing checks and paying bills No reason to take chances Create and update your wills Fulfill your obligations Tidy up your affairs Mend your relations Expend a few tears Plan a period of months not days To transition to your new world A cautious journey pays Your new life will unfurl Unfurl in bits and pieces Taking systematic actions Success increases Through these transactions Create an exit plan How do I get out If crap hits the fan And I have my doubt Can I do it Living on a boat If I need to quit Just read my notes Follow your instructions Knowing how to leave Removing all obstructions Not hard to unweave Return to drydock on solid land The life forgotten Not what y0u had planned You life will not be rotten Appreciate that you tried To live in a unique fashion You did not backslide Trying to enjoy a childhood passion You took a trek And you gave it a shot What the heck Not what you thought But why this defeatist attitude You have planned and trained So do not unnecessary conclude You will crack under the strain God is in control That is why you prayed He owns your soul So do not be afraid God will communicate If He disagrees God is your mate So be at ease You have ignored God before You know his wrath You understand God more and more You will not stray from His path Go with assurance A grand expedition You have secular insurance And divine permission Enjoy and treasure Toast and celebrate This extraordinary pleasure Sailing is your fate
Sailing Tourist

Sailing Tourist I want to sail and tour The Caribbean and Bahamas With a tourist brochure And no frustrating dramas On the sea or land Enjoying the sights Basking in the sand Or climbing to the heights Snorkeling and swimming Catching a lobster or crap Watching the sunlight dimming Let me summarize and recap Sailing from key to key Anchoring in a safe place Where you feel free Free of the rat race Not chasing time No timetables or plans Life with a simple rhyme Celebrate and clap your hands What an exciting adventure Peaceful and serene A promising venture And a natural dopamine Simply your life Go with the flow Throw away the strife Enjoy God and his show The mesmerizing waves The tranquil blue shades The spectacular underwater caves The local peoples and their trades Plenty to see And things to do Let it all agree Just take a knee Praise our Savior and Lord Thank you for forgiveness and grace We will never be bored Sailing and seeking your face
Beginning to Sail

I learned to sail On a little lake Bring on the gale A piece of cake We flipped And turned We whipped And learned How to sail close reach How to right our boat How to run up on the beach How to sit and float Not terribly hard But full of fun In our backyard And in the sun Friends would ride Along with my dog Jumping from side to side Just like a frog Intentionally capsizing And driving me mad There was no compromising They were annoying and bad I wanted to cruise They wanted to tip I would always lose But it was my ship A little Laser Chasing about A hell raiser Fun no doubt We were young And it was thrilling I was stung Sailing was fulfilling I was mesmerized and hooked The rest of my life and forever more A skill many have overlooked I always miss when ashore The sheets full of the wind The boat rocking up and down Throughout history of mankind Sailors of old necessary playground To travel and trade They would navigate And they were not afraid It was their fate We are tourist On our vessels Not real purist We hide in nestles Where it is secure Until the bad weather passes We are not on a timetable tour Creeping about like molasses Enjoying the swim Fishing and eating Everything a whim Not competing Enjoying life Sailing about No mayhem or strife Sailing the best route Praise on my lips Salute to sailors of old And their necessary trips They were brave and bold