Over Stimulation
Over Stimulation
I heard this word a bunch with Dr. Andrews. I knew what it meant, but I needed to make sure that I understood what Dr. Andrews was talking about in regards to my disorder – Functional Neurological Disorder (FND).
According to the Learners Dictionary, over stimulation is to cause (someone or something) to become too active or excited: to stimulate (someone or something) too much.

What was overstimulating for me? Really, there are so many things which can cause me to get active or excited:
- Pretty Girl (Smart Girl)
- Smart Girl’s child
- Playing with children
- Laughter
- My kids
- Good book
- Bicycling
- Yoga
- Playing in pool
- Going to beach
- Good sermon
- Share the gospel
- Checklist
- Meet new people
- Concerts
- Yardwork
- Work
- Running a business
- Accomplishment
- Life
- Travel
The list can go on and on, but the definition mentions “too” or “too much.” Do all these things over stimulate me?
I have always been excitable and active. I could handle many things at one time. I could juggle many activities. I liked to move, to do, to progress, to succeed, and to accomplish. I had a checklist, and I wanted to check things off my list. I felt good when I make that checkmark
Once again, checking a checklist is not going to make me so overstimulated that I can not function, or I lose control. Or can it?
According to Dr. Andrews, it is not the checklist; it is the activities or the consequences of overdoing the activities. If I do too much, then it can overstimulate me and shut me down, especially if I am fatigued or experiencing slight episodes of the disorder. My triggers can activate, and they can be much worse.
What triggers FND?
- Fatigue
- Stress
- Complicated problems
- Doing too many things at one time
- Work to long
- Work too hard
- Unreal expectations
- Unsolvable problems
- Irritants
- Controversy
- Pain
- Illness
- Disagreements
- Arguments
What over stimulants trigger me?
- Sunlight
- Pain
- Disagreements
- Complicated Instructions
- Tired
- Stress – mental, physical, emotional
- Negotiations
- Complicated and long verbal conversations
- Long-drawn out stories
- Overindulge in exercise or work
- Unnecessary questions
- Lies
- Selective memories
- Illogical jibberish
How do you live in society if these things overstimulate you where you shut down or go into a rage?
- Learn triggers
- Reduce triggers
- Avoid triggers
- Simplify life
- Get plenty of sleep
- Stop doing too much
- Learn how to rest triggers
- Quit judging
- Learn CBT
- Learn DBT
- Be grateful
- Get back on Amitriptyline which has worked the best over last six years
Yes, I think some of what I write is redundant. I need to get a better grip on what is happening to me and how I need to proceed.
Does anyone know who teaches Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)? West Tennessee, Memphis, or Nashville?