No Fun

Where has the fun gone?

Where has the fun gone this year? No football, no concerts, no shopping, and no movies. We sit at home, and we see a different life—a life of sitting on the computer arguing politics or religion, binge-watching television programs, eating more and more food. We get out for errands, but we do not get out to enjoy life.

I miss visiting town centers where you can hear music or wander into coffee shops, bookstores, thrift stores, or antique stores. I am scared to venture out into crowds or unknown places or crowds of any size. I am not afraid for me, but for my loved ones who have underlying conditions where they might not survive the COVID-19 virus. I do not want to be the one who drags the virus back to them because I am selfish.

I know there are things that I can do when I go out not to bring the virus back to my loved ones, and here are a few suggestions.

  1. Wear a mask. Yes and No? Does wearing a mask help? There is so much debate. I wear my mask everywhere I go including when I exercise. If you are going to exercise, then wearing a mask makes it harder to breathe, but it is making your body work harder. The point of the exercise is to work your body harder. Why not wear a mask and work your body harder?
  2. I stay away from crowds, especially people I do not know. I am not talking about social distancing but much more.  I shy away from groups of people. I do not get around crowds either walking around them or high tailing it through them as quickly as possible. I am not friendly, not trying to meet new people or create new friendships. I do not want prolonged conversations with people I do not know. I do not know how they act concerning protecting themselves from the virus. I do not want to take the risk.
  3. I stay away from friends and family members who do not protect themselves from the virus. They do not wear their masks; they go shopping and out to dinner, and they do not have loved ones who might be susceptible to COVID-19. I avoid these people because they are taking too many risks.

I have ventured to the beach, and I have done these three things, and it has reduced my risk and my anxiety. I do not want to be the guy who infected his family with the COVID-19 virus. Doing these three things has not increased my fun this year, but it has protected my loved ones and me.

I wonder what to do this fall with no concerts or football games? What are you doing to have fun this fall?

George Harrison

George Harrison
Too many good men
In my life
I take to paper and pen
To declare with drum and fife
They lived next door
In my favorite town
Poquoson was no bore
My favorite place hands down
Mr Harrison taught me many things
And he spent time with me
He helped expand my wings
And all his instruction was free
The main thing I learned
Was how to sail
And right the boat when overturned
When there was a great gale
But not only on the ocean
In life too
Mr Harrison had a sense of promotion
He was very ever blue
He enjoyed himself
I watched him everyday
Take toys off the shelf
He liked to play
He was far different than most
Not a care in the world
Or he kept them close
And did not let them whirl
Probably another good example
If you want to know the truth
Another sample
From my youth
Not him alone
His wife included
Most caring woman I have known
I have concluded
Memories and recollections
Have vast they are
Great reflections
I will never forget by far