
I Never Dreamed

I never dreamed
Someone from my past
Feelings redeemed
So much time has passed

I kept up with her
We would always be friends
She would concurr
Our friendship transcends

We have reconnected
Both being single
We have redirected
For us to mingle

She watched me sail
Commenting along the way
I called her instead of email
Just not any comminique

We talked for hours
Just about everything
She must have superpowers
She was so addicting

We communicated frequently
Four or five times a day
I enjoyed her evidently
Because she was so gay

She was brilliant
She was happy
She was exciting
She was captivating

I wanted more
I wanted that energy
I wanted to explore
I wanted synergy

I asked her out
And she agreed
What a rout
I decreed

Too smooth
Too slick
Too easy
Too sleek

We were so agreeable
I was flabbergasted
Our future is unforeseeable
And it was not forecasted

Now a new journey
Where will we go
A magnificent tourney
Only God will know


When I visit the coast, the most important thing is to eat seafood. I want to sample and try all the various seaside dishes available.

I try to eat a different variety at every seating.

Fish Tacos in Tybee
Shrimp from Tybee Island
Crab Cake Sandwich in Savannah
Steamed Mussels and Clams in Savannah
Raw Oysters in Savannah
Fried Flounder Sandwich in Hilton Head
Grouper in Hilton Head
Brunswick Soup (Oops Gone) in Hilton Head
Scallops in Hilton Head
Crab Cake and She Crab Soup in Buford
Couch Cervice at Daufuskie Island
Seabass in Hilton Head

Bicycling in Savannah

Bicycling is the only way to get around Savannah. There are so many parks, shops, and restaurants. You are stopping and going frequently.

The parks are littered throughout the historical district are cool. I do not have a favorite park. but I like to cruise around all of them. Traffic is not terrible, just stay off the main one way streets and the main east to west street.

Restaurants are numerous and you have many choices. I like the ones on the river with a second floor balcony where you can look at the river. I eat seafood since I do not get any fresh seafood in Tennessee – shrimp, oysters, mussels, and clams.

There are a number of coffee shops, but sitting on the river is best. I am a sucker for Starbucks because they are convenient and consistent. I have found in traveling that most of the time that Starbucks are in prime locations.

Riding bicycles along the river is grand. I enjoy watching the gigantic ships move up and down the river. The air is cooler on the river, too.

Savannah is a great place to ride bicycles.


Camping? Really?

What can I do this fall with less contact with the outside world? One way to protect me from COVID-19 is camping. How about camping? I have not camped in a long time, and I wonder what it would be like to camp this fall. Has camping changed that much since I last camped 20 years ago?

I do not have any personal experience camping. My gut feeling is that it has not changed any in the past 20 years. I can do my usual research reading articles about it on the web, but does that capture the actual state of the camping world, especially with inexperienced campers. If it was just me, I could tough it out, and I would have a good time no matter what. You make your fun as you find it.

My camping trip will include an eight-year-old girl. Yes, an eight-year-old girl who has never been camping before. I do not know if she can handle all of the negative things that can happen on a camping trip. She might not be able to roll with the punches or go with the flow. How will she survive no internet or television?

I plan to share a list of negatives with my eight-year-old camping buddy, and here is my list.

  1. Bugs! Who wants to spend the night with bugs? A wasp flies by, and this eight-year-old ducks for cover. If she runs into a spider web, she screams bloody murder. I did too as a kid. I know these events will happen as they have on every camping trip before and after this trip. Do not forget mosquitoes. My only solution is bug spray.
  2. Rain! I do not want to be in the rain for any length of time. I am a fair-weather camper, just like a fair-weather sailor. If rain is in the forecast, then there will be no campout. If a storm blows up, I will go home or climb into my SUV Tent. I purchased an SUV Tent so we can jump into the back of the SUV to get away from nature – bugs, rain, heat, etc. Also, it is an excellent second tent or bedroom on a camping trip. The SUV Tent is one thing that has changed in the past 20 years, and I hope it is a game-changer. My fingers are crossed.
  3. Hot, humid weather! I plan to camp in the fall when the low temperatures at night will be in the low sixties. I do not want to be hot trying to sleep outside with an eight-year-old child, bugs, and the possibility of rain. Plan my trip when it will be cool at night is the best option.
  4. No television or wifi! I do not know if any kids can get through life without television or wifi. I know this eight-year-old is no exception to the rule. If I keep her busy hiking, kayaking, star watching, and storytelling, I think we can survive. She has an imagination, and she is curious, so I can tap those two things to get past no television or wifi. I think this is a huge positive for the camping trip.

I am listing one positive to counter the negatives. Get out of the house! I can not explain, or do I have to explain how horrible just sitting in the house during the COVID-19 virus pandemic? Everyone gets edgy, but an eight-year-old with plenty of energy is the edgiest of all. We can ride bicycles and play in and out and around the house only so much. She needs an outlet. She needs to roam. The trip to the beach did her wonders. I hope a trip to the great outdoors will be unique and fun and give her a boost.

I am sure everything will not go perfectly, but it is part of the journey. I hope my eight-year-old camping buddy sees it the same way. If it goes well, we can go camping some more, and if it goes wrong, we will never go camping again.

What negative experiences have you had camping? What do you consider the great positives of camping? Do you have any great tips for my camping trip this fall?

Yorktown Girls – Buddies

Yorktown Girls

How we met
Who really knows
Henry I bet
Friendships arose
We traveled every weekend
To Yorktown park
Some girlfriends and boyfriends
The monument was our landmark
We met in the parking lot
And talked and drank
We never fought
Along the York riverbank
My senior year
Leslie Ann Lisa Della Sharon
Were in our sphere
On and off the telephone
We went to parties
We went snow sledding
We went to games
We went to movies
They were our Yorktown buddies
And they were adventurous and fun
We did do our High School studies
High School and College everyone
We moved on with life
We see each other on occasion
None made a Poquoson man’s wife
Never part of the equation
Never forget our escapades
Life so easy and carefree
Yesteryear never fades
I hope you all agree