My heart hurts Was it love Or too many desserts Or God from above Does it matter Why I cannot take a breath My heart goes pitter patter Along the path to my death How did I get here After exercising too much Did I cause too much wear Or is this a crutch Did I eat the wrong food Mostly salads and meat Pizza when in the mood Along with something sweet Ice cream and cake Cookie dough with glaze Maybe a shake I did graze Food or exercise The doctors do not know I wonder if they are wise Or trying to collect dough Test after test What do they show Nothing in my chest Maye my heart flow More tests and protocols To see if my veins are clear Just wait for our calls And keep a good cheer Sometimes it is hard To be enthusiastic When you cannot walk the yard Or anything too drastic I cannot breathe when I piss I cannot breathe climbing up the stairs I cannot breathe to walk the block I cannot breathe playing in the pool These are not drastic actions And it is very tough No to have reactions When I cannot get a puff of air I walked 10000 steps daily I lifted weights daily I used the elliptical for 30 minutes daily I performed yoga every two days What happened to me Will it go away Can they fix this stuff Or keep it at bay I do wonder Can it be fixed Or do I go under My thoughts are mixed Issues upon issues Troubles upon troubles Stress upon stress Anxiety upon anxiety Thinking can be worse Worrying for naught Or is this a curse And I got caught Or is it a side effect Of a Covid shot Is there a connect Throwing it all in the pot Heart inflammation They do say Maybe a causation To take me astray My shot in late March My condition sometime in April Is there a connecting arch Or is this gossip or a fable