I Never Dreamed

I never dreamed
Someone from my past
Feelings redeemed
So much time has passed

I kept up with her
We would always be friends
She would concurr
Our friendship transcends

We have reconnected
Both being single
We have redirected
For us to mingle

She watched me sail
Commenting along the way
I called her instead of email
Just not any comminique

We talked for hours
Just about everything
She must have superpowers
She was so addicting

We communicated frequently
Four or five times a day
I enjoyed her evidently
Because she was so gay

She was brilliant
She was happy
She was exciting
She was captivating

I wanted more
I wanted that energy
I wanted to explore
I wanted synergy

I asked her out
And she agreed
What a rout
I decreed

Too smooth
Too slick
Too easy
Too sleek

We were so agreeable
I was flabbergasted
Our future is unforeseeable
And it was not forecasted

Now a new journey
Where will we go
A magnificent tourney
Only God will know


What does a baby feel
In the womb or newborn
Joy and pain are real
The debate is torn
Torn between alive or what
A newborn is alive
There is no but
It can live and strive
What about a fetus
In the womb
Do you have a treatise
Or do you leave the room
No regard for science
It is living
Against your defiance
Answers are missing
When does the heartbeat
Not months but weeks
Six weeks like a drumbeat
The heart speaks
When the heart stops
We are declared dead
The blood flow drops
And life has fled
If you are born
You are alive with heartbeats
But not if you are unborn
Who cares if it repeats
Then comes your nervous process
Developing soon after the heart starts
Reflexes begin to progress
And pain is its counterpart
Yes pain is present
In the womb
Many will dissent
But it is not your gloom or doom
Babies move away from the intruder
Babies shrink from the abortions tools
Babies jerk from the pursuer
Babies not understanding the rules
How about brain waves
The fetus starts around forty days
We are on our way to our graves
If our brains are not ablaze
What is life
A heartbeat
A nervous system
A brain wave
I want all three
Many will disagree
But they are free
To argue with me