

We are split
What a surprise
Bear it with grit
Seek a compromise

There needs to be a better way
Then argue and fight
In a constant dreadful fray
Of whom is right

But no one is righteous
If they lie and cheat
Manufacturing a crisis
With a simple tweet

Multiplying unto social media
With no concern for the truth
Told in an encyclopedia
Or from the book of our youth

There are laws
Which are not followed
Million enter without a pause
It is hard to swallow

Come in legally
As the law requires
Showing respect and decency
Not like brush fires

Rushing from place to place
Destroying here and there
An outlandish race
Without any care

There are thefts
There are deaths
There are rapes
There are murders

And for what reason
Or righteous cause
Is it the season or treason
Or just because

Kamala the Border Czar
Did nothing to stop it
Acting like a film star
Not using her wit

An attorney general
Who knows the rules
Satisfying the Democratic electoral
Along with many other fools

It must end
And soon
To reverse this trend
Before high noon

The fractions will divide more
Ending in a civil war
With plenty of gore
From shore to shore



Do you think they all lie
And not tell us the truth
Making me want to cry
You must be a sleuth

To figure out the falsehoods
Because they all tell them
Ruining our neighborhoods
Thinking we are dumb


Too many immigrants are not good
Especially when we have laws
We have known since childhood
But it supports their cause

Build a wall
And enforce the statutes
Construct welcoming halls
And perform interviews

Teach them English
And United States history
What skills do they distinguish
And they will not be a mystery

Who are these people
Why do they come free
Make them townspeople
So we welcome them with glee

Too many impoverished and poor
Not earning enough to live
Live in grandeur
Or even to thrive

Why can they not make a living
Where they can be healthy and spry
Is it our fault for giving

And not making them earn with grit
But there should be a safety net
But not permanent dependence
Where they act like a house pet

Giving too much
And not making them earn it
We gave many a crutch
With too much dependance


People deserve healthcare
Which does not make them broke
But I must swear
It is just a big joke

Redo the healthcare borders
Allowing it throughout the nation
Not prescribed to regional areas or orders
Or to a persons credit station

Putting people in debt
So they can be healed
Is a poor bet
Leading to the paupers field

Every problem can be fixed
If people want them fixed
Do politicians want them fixed
Or do they want bank accounts fixed

Lobbyist protecting their turf
Paying out gigantic sums
While we all burst
Fighting over the crumbs

Everyday people are left with poor choices
And listening to politicians is a waste
Because they do not listen to our voices
Leaving me with a bad taste


baby holding person s index finger
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What is injustice
Do we really know
Or is it trust us
Just go with the flow

The flow of slavery
Was the cry
Requiring bravery
Resulting in many to die

A Civil War
Many killed
On Americas shore
The Union fulfilled

A mighty victory
Freeing the slaves
Lincolns valedictory
Following him to the grave

Abortion a cry today
Millions killed before they are born
A legal fray
America torn

Do unborn have rights
Or they live beings
Shining living lights
With thoughts and feelings

Many do not think so
But they thought that long ago
Slaves had no ability to grow
Grow their intelligence past Jim Crow

Unable to vote
Unable to own
Unable to integrate
Unable to relate

But they were alive
And they were given birth
A dream to strive
On this earth

But not the aborted
Never given a chance
Their lives thwarted
Before given a chance to dance

Dance with breath
Dance with a cry
Dance with a hug
Dance with a kiss

Why do they not matter
Abortion is a lie
It is not a womans right

A baby in the womb
Is a God given life
Give the unborn a chance to bloom
And end this strife

Seek the justice
A living human being deserves
Our consciousness should confront us
And upset our nerves

Our nerves need to tingle
And know what is true
A fetus is a living human
Just like me and you

Do Black Lives Matter

Do Black Lives Matter
Who really cares
About another black death
Why do we need to split hairs
Killing many baby’s breath
19 million blacks aborted since it began
Now a black population of 44 million
So many women and men
So many United States citizens
30 percent of the black population aborted
More deaths for blacks than any other cause
And these numbers are congressionally reported
All of you must take a pause
Do we realize the injustice
Do we realize the crime
Do we realize the horror
Do we realize the sin
These deaths do matter
The injustice needs not to be repeated
There needs to be chatter
Abortion needs to be defeated
Why do we let it stand
Just an unjust operation
All these murders planned
Poor leadership in the nation
Who kills its own babies
Who destroys these lives
Who ruins our families
Who decimates a race and lies
Misguided people like Sangers
Misguided women oppressed for generations
Misguided individuals with little hope
Misguided politicians pandering to whom
We do not need to blame
We need to save lives
We do not need to name
We must start drives
Drives to make human life valuable
Drives to change the laws
Drives to make damnable
Drives to fight for a cause
Almost 1000 black lives per day
Lost to abortion
We need to earnestly pray
And priorities need apportion
Stop abortions now
Riot to stop abortions now
Stop the abortion murders now
Honor human life without abortions now
I am sorry we lose black men to police
I am sorry for this unnecessary evil
I am a Christian who loves peace
I am for a revival or upheaval
Every human life is treasured
Lord God made each one of us
Our lives are truly measured
God wants us to make a fuss
Save his image bearers
Save his precious children
Save his majesty and glory
Save every black life
Black lives do matter
Blacks are made in Gods image
Blacks are precious in Gods eyes
Blacks deserve much much better
If you want to
Riot over the evil of abortion
Cherish each life
Fight for all human life and dignity
This is the main issue
What are humans worth
Every single man women and child
Priceless from conception to eternity

Listen, Can you hear the sound of death? Grim Reaper chasing me!

Uplifting Poems About the Death of a Loved One


My autobiography of poetry over the last fifty-eight years. Ha ha ha! I laugh too. I am a businessman who is retired, and he is trying to stay busy. I have no real talent at writing any type of writing except Quality Assurance Programs, Business Plans, Bible Study Notes, Business Price Quotes, Business Memos, Loan Requests, Consulting Reports, and all things business.

Listen Do You Hear the Sound of Death? The Grim Reaper is Chasing Me!

Journey of My Life

Uplifting Poems About the Death of a Loved One is a journey of my life, especially in the last five years. I have struggled through medical issues for these five years, including depression and anxiety. I am challenged with the belief that I have a disease that is not diagnosed, and I am going to die. True or not true, that is what I believe. He first book of poems works up to this obsession with death. The book of poems ends with hope.

Medical History last Five Years

 History 2020

All symptoms, and if anything, they are worse. They vary based upon all kinds of factors.

One trip to Mayo Clinic, and nothing has changed except new symptoms. All they can tell me is to wait for it to manifest itself. There are no more tests and no more doctors. Thank the number one hospital in the world. Five visits are enough.

New Symptoms 2020

  • My brain locks up, and I can not talk. I know what I want to say, but it will not come out of my mouth. I am down 3 to 5 minutes, and then it comes out of me.
  • I cannot walk and do two things. If I am walking and I try to stir the soup or something on a plate or count something, then I fall left to the right, stop moving forward, and cannot talk. I can move backward then stop doing everything and reset. I can then walk forward.

History 2019

 I quit going to doctors in 2019. After 48 doctors for so many things, I am sick of doctors, and I quit going after Mayo Clinic and Vanderbilt appointments at the first of the year. They used the exact same words – You need to wait for it to manifest itself. These issues persist:

  • Feet hurt, numb, and tingle
  • Hands hurt, numb and tingle
  • Neck hurts
  • Dizzy
  • Foggy
  • Forgetful
  • Slow
  • Shy away from bright lights
  • Falling backward or sideways
  • Unable to announce words, maybe stutter

 I have quit chasing the cause of these, and I am just trying to live with them now. I have done an excellent job with reduced symptoms all of 2019 and in the months of August and September, especially. In those months, I had almost no symptoms at all.

I want to go on a new medicine which will cut the edge. I do not know if I have stress or anxiety. When I am off amitriptyline, I am more emotional. I rush to agitation, and frustration is quicker. The anger is not rage but similar without yelling and screaming. Well, George does not think this is a correct statement anymore.  My friend and I talked about it being more adrenaline rushes. I am getting pumped up for something. I do not know what?

  • Jan to Dec– Everything occurs under many different combinations and circumstances
  • Feb – Joint Specialist
  • Jan – Blood Clots – hematologist – stay on the blood thinner
  • Jan -Vein Specialist – nothing to do with four blood clots. The leg will swell and hurt

 History 2018

Mayo and Patterson Physical Therapy ( Beth Patterson and Cynthia Thomson) in Jackson, Tennessee, worked on these my knee, calf, and hip, and the majority of the pain have gone away. A combination of shoe orthotics, lost weight, exercise, yoga, and more expensive tennis shoes. I do not consider this a significant issue, just a nuisance.

I went to Mayo Clinic 4 times, and they eliminated all significant organs, diseases, etc. as possible candidates. They believe I have to wait for it to manifest itself into one block for a diagnosis. They took me off amitriptyline and put me on Lexapro – anxiety medicine, but that made my symptoms worse. I got off Lexapro. I went back on amitriptyline until Dec 2019.

I have seen 15 doctors over the past few years for a variety of issues, and I am trying to eliminate problems to find the root cause so I can feel better. All of these sometimes happen all the time, and sometimes one or two at a time. But it is something every day.

  • Knee hurts
  • Hip Hurts
  • Calf Hurts
  • Feet hurt, numb, and tingle
  • Hands hurt, numb and tingle
  • Neck hurts
  • Dizzy, foggy, forgetful, slow, overwhelmed in crowds, shy away from bright lights
  • Right foot swells
  • Right leg knee down swells

 History  2017

  • Jan to June – Everything occurs under many different combinations and circumstances
  • July – A blood clot in the right leg. Leg stayed swollen for five months
  • Oct – Lost breath climbing stairs for two weeks went away
  • Nov – diagnosed Factor 5 … gene disorder causes blood to clot
  • Dec – MRI to recheck neck and spine – can not find out why lost use of right arm from the elbow down fishing

 2016 – Continue to have knee and hip pain but all new issues too

  • Jan – MS Specialist Vanderbilt – not MS go to a neurologist
  • Feb – Neurologist Vanderbilt – MRI’s neck brain and spine show no damage or suspensions
  • Feb to Dec – Everything occurs under many different combinations and circumstances

History 2015 

Knee and hip continue to hurt all year

  • Sept – I felt like I had a heart attack on a Saturday, but it went away after 1 hour. I did not go to the doctor. Thought it was vertigo.
  • Dec – Neurologist – neuropathy in hands and feet.
  • Sept to Dec – New issues of hand, feet, and neck pain. Dizziness, falling backward sensation, overwhelming in crowds, fuzzy, hazy
  • Jackson Doctor sends me to Vanderbilt

History 2014

  • Two Hip Surgeries –  I slipped on ice in Jan, and one surgery to sew it up. The second surgery to replace it.
  • Blood Clot  – I had a blood clot after hip replacement

History 2013

Knee replacement. I had a hard time bending it, and it had to be manipulated once. I finally got it to bend and was getting stronger

Pre – 2013

 Three knee surgeries, shoulder surgery, ankle surgery

I have always had problems with my right knee since the age of 15.

Conrad’s Mini-Book will be free on Sunday