Yorktown Girls – Buddies

Yorktown Girls

How we met
Who really knows
Henry I bet
Friendships arose
We traveled every weekend
To Yorktown park
Some girlfriends and boyfriends
The monument was our landmark
We met in the parking lot
And talked and drank
We never fought
Along the York riverbank
My senior year
Leslie Ann Lisa Della Sharon
Were in our sphere
On and off the telephone
We went to parties
We went snow sledding
We went to games
We went to movies
They were our Yorktown buddies
And they were adventurous and fun
We did do our High School studies
High School and College everyone
We moved on with life
We see each other on occasion
None made a Poquoson man’s wife
Never part of the equation
Never forget our escapades
Life so easy and carefree
Yesteryear never fades
I hope you all agree