
We are not a pair
We are not dating
We are not caring
We are not waiting

Let it all go
Do not look back
You are not my beau
Or part of my pack

You are alone
Do not text
Do not phone
What is next

Wait and see
Or move on
You can flee
To a new dawn

But my heart 
Will not run
You are a piece of art
And so much fun

I know for sure
We are one
Our love is pure
We are not done

You love me
And I love you
We might disagree
But this is true

My heart knows
And so does yours
Our love is froze
Until the end of the wars

Wars of pride
Wars of stubbornness
Wars of prejudice
Wars of omission

Where does it get us
Staying apart
All this fuss
Not very smart

Your heart goes pitter
And mine goes patter
Stop being bitter
Remember what matters


These things wait
For us to claim them
Open the gate
Stop being dumb

Learn to talk
To one another
Not a shock
You miss each other

There is more there
Waiting for a chance
Clear the air
Makeup and dance


We can do it
Bypassing the hurt
Use our wit
Stay on alert

Relationships are hard
Communication is key
We may argue and fight
But what is the reality

We are lovers
We are mates
We are sweethearts
We are a match

Our feelings will not change
Deep down inside
And we will not exchange
And we will not backslide

I am your man
Embracing your bosom
We will be a clan
And you will be my woman