Why do I grieve
Gave it my all
Rewarded with a reprieve
To stand alone and tall
Reprieve from stress
Walking on eggshells
A game of chess
With no wedding bells
More money
To spend everyday
Milk and honey
Spend it my way
Travel the world
Sights to see
Twirl and whirl
I am free
My mind works
I must confess
These are perks
Write my rhyming verse
Create and produce thought
I have beaten the curse
No more brain rot
Not drugged dumb
As a mindless ghoul
I have overcome
The ceaseless drool
But is it all that great
To have all this
Without a mate
To hug and kiss
This is why I mourn
I have lost my buddy
Our love torn
My heart muddy
I am so conflicted
So many upsides
I am unrestricted
But a ferocious tide
So may extremes
A passionate obsession
I had so many dreams
And a confession
I miss her
She was unique
A sweet liqueur
An aura of mystique
There will be no one like her
No one to replace our fun
I miss being her chauffeur
But we are done
She sees no need
For a sidekick
Independent and freed
She is her own chick
And this is life
Not very equitable and fair
Without a wonderful wife
And a journey to share
A treacherous fate
To be alone
Which I do hate
Nearing my gravestone
No reason to seek
Another to share
I am past my peak
Along with my wear and tear
Enjoy the positives
And all their good yields
Eliminate the negatives
And their battlefields
Slow down
Stay true
Do not frown
Or turn blue
The easiest way to enjoy
What time is unexpended
Be good and a kind boy
As God intended
I do not know who you are
You talk three hours through a screen
We did debate and spar
Not ugly or mean
We played with each other
And talked and talked
We enjoyed one another
Our emotions not locked
But what happened that very day
You did not respond or communicate
You replied with nothing to say
Causing me much frustration
You sent a positive message
You missed me as a companion
I thought we had a shot
My plight was not a deep canyon
I raced to see you
To talk to you in person
So much hope to renew
Only to worsen
You would not see me
You would not talk
Address my plea
What a shock
You did not want to come out
And tell me your troubles
And what this was about
My apprehension doubles
Why did you call the night before
Why did we flirt and play
Why did you spend 3 hours on the phone
Why did you act like the good old days
But I learned reality
You came outside
And said you were free
And your position was clarified
You did not see us long term
You did not want to lead me on
You were very definite and firm
You did not want me as a pawn
It was hard for me to listen
I was denied and rejected
Your tears did glisten
I pleaded and objected
Holding you tight
You were so frail
It was the end of the night
And I took flight
As I drove away
I realized so much
And knew it his way
Our life would be dutch
No more togetherness
No more reliance
No more dependence
No more shared memories
Two lives afloat
In our own little ships
Circling in a moat
On our own trips
The next day I realized
We are good friends
My memories prized
And I wanted to make amends
We can be pals and mates
Open to conversation
Definitely no romantic dates
And no long term relations
We can be kind
And we can be heartfelt
All a matter of the mind
And the cards we are dealt
Friends for life
What does that mean
Not husband and wife
A future unseen
Time spent
Time lost
Time went
Time tossed
She was the one
I could love
She was the sun
I write of
Just as in a day
The sun sets
Everything turns gray
Blackness forgets
The warmth
The laughs
The smiles
The togetherness
You lose your way
You forget the daylight
You wander astray
You take flight
Fly away
Hide away
Stay away
Run away
Less stress
To run and hide
Less mess
Easier on my pride
I am not wrong
I am not mistaken
I am not amiss
I am not wrongheaded
I was slighted
I was insulted
I was uninvited
I was not consulted
Was it necessary
Was it essential
Was it contrary
Was it sequential
Not at all
To go toe to toe
And to hit a wall
Now in darkness
Stumbling about
Nothing but starkness
No way out
I am alone
With my thoughts
And a slight moan
My stomach in knots
I will wander
Seeking reality
I will ponder
What is the key
The key to fellowship
The key to friendship
The key to relationship
The key to life
Almost complete
Running out of time
Cannot cheat
Not in my prime
Stumble along
While everyone is asleep
Try to be strong
Do not weep
After every night
Sun comes to the land
So struggle and fight
Say hello
Wear a smile
Do not judge others
Just love and accept
Do you enjoy
Your family
Or is it a ploy
Or an anomaly
A ploy to get money
A ploy to get affection
A ploy to be funny
A ploy for connection
A connection to what
A connection to who
A connection in my gut
A connection made of glue
Join us together
Fasten us to each other
A common tether
Mother or brother
Is this common
Is this normal
Is this unusual
Is this irregular
No it is not
For many to live
Relatives not forgot
Families to thriveWhat is the common thread
Families to proceed
Is it the homestead
Or blood of a family creed
A creed to love
A creed to support
A creed to encourage
A creed to equally share
Generation to generation
Forgive one another
Give for the duration
Smother and smother
Smother with love
Smother with kindness
Smother with resources
Smother with mercy
Mercy is the hardest
When we feel wronged
But we can harness
By remembering we belonged
Belonged to a family line
Belonged to a congregation
Belonged to the vine
Belonged to a narration
A narration to work together
A narration to read
A narration to learn
A narration to believe
Believe in God
Believe in kin
Believe all are flawed
Believe we all sin
Sin is there
Every single day
Repent with prayer
Believe and pray
God is first
Family second
Our nation third
And there is no fourth
Align on one
Read the one
Learn the one
Worship the one
Forgive those in two
Love those in two
Show mercy to those in two
Share with those in two
Honor those in three
Respect those in three
Support those in three
Affirm those in three
Teach yours these
Time and time again
These are the keys
Our family will remain
Birthday Again
I have another birthday
One more year
Let us downplay
And save the cheer
I have had many good ones
I plan to have many more
I have eaten cake in tons
I have blown out candles galore
What is one more celebration
We all celebrate them
Like the stars in the constellation
Routine and another ho hum
But what if I say
I am kidding
I want the display
I am admitting
Display the cake
Display the cards
Display the presents
Display the smiles
Five or Fifty
I want the recognition
Really cool and nifty
Bring on the magician and musician
I am happy everyone remembered
This special ceremonial occasion
Another numbered and rendered
Extending my life equation
I am delighted my loves are here
Kissing and hugging me
And I want to hear
Happy Birthday sung with glee