Do you think they all lie And not tell us the truth Making me want to cry You must be a sleuth
To figure out the falsehoods Because they all tell them Ruining our neighborhoods Thinking we are dumb
Too many immigrants are not good Especially when we have laws We have known since childhood But it supports their cause
Build a wall And enforce the statutes Construct welcoming halls And perform interviews
Teach them English And United States history What skills do they distinguish And they will not be a mystery
Who are these people Why do they come free Make them townspeople So we welcome them with glee . Poor
Too many impoverished and poor Not earning enough to live Live in grandeur Or even to thrive
Why Why can they not make a living Where they can be healthy and spry Is it our fault for giving
And not making them earn with grit But there should be a safety net But not permanent dependence Where they act like a house pet
Giving too much And not making them earn it We gave many a crutch With too much dependance
People deserve healthcare Which does not make them broke But I must swear It is just a big joke
Redo the healthcare borders Allowing it throughout the nation Not prescribed to regional areas or orders Or to a persons credit station
Putting people in debt So they can be healed Is a poor bet Leading to the paupers field
Every problem can be fixed If people want them fixed Do politicians want them fixed Or do they want bank accounts fixed
Lobbyist protecting their turf Paying out gigantic sums While we all burst Fighting over the crumbs
Everyday people are left with poor choices And listening to politicians is a waste Because they do not listen to our voices Leaving me with a bad taste
Snow is beautiful
It is so calm and reassuring
In the right places it's plentiful
And it can be alluring
Snow holds memories
From my youth
Adding to my life histories
And until I am long in the tooth
Snow fights
Snow angels
Snow slushies
The games change
Along come acquaintances
Friends interchange
And so do the experiences
Sleigh rides
All part of the journey
The journey of life
A grand tourney
Marching to the drum and fife
A Republic
A Democracy
An Oligarchy
An Aristocracy
What are we
Who runs us
Are we free
What is the fuss
I can tell you
A government ran by a few
We should be bitter and blue
But who understood and knew
We live our lives
Enjoying it all
And our kids and wives
As long as we play ball
Everything is fine
Until you ask real questions
And lights will shine
On the underlying tensions
Small groups control
Our economy and government
Remember the grassy knoll
And all the other uppercuts
These groups are self seeking
And they are underhanded
Lying when they are speaking
Stealing all they have demanded
This is the rule of the elite
The rule of the nobility
The rule of cronyism
And the rule of nepotism
A leadership class rules
Stealing everything
Thinking we are fools
Accepting their sting
Sting of war
Sting of economic disaster
Sting of epidemic
Sting of climate crisis
The same people rule our country
And is it better or worse
Neither are we hungry
Nor are resources scarce
But for many they are both
There are riots in the streets
Crime and murder that we loath
Brough to you by the cheats
Mark my words
It is too late
They will reduce us by thirds
And that is our fate