Idols of relaxation. Idols of relationships. Idols of fads. Idols of worship. Idols of ourselves.
What is wrong with us? Why do we self indulge? How can we not see our flaws.
There are too many gods in our world. We worship too many idols.

Not your flaws but my flaws. We need more self awareness and self analyzation.
The question is what is wrong with me? And how do I fix myself?
Fix myself to love. Fix myself to care for others. Fix myself to celebrate the good. Fix myself to worship and glorify the one true God.
The one true God is the only way to fix ourselves, our family, our friends, our neighbors, our city, our state, our country and our world. The one true God can fix anything and everything.
Start today:
1. Stop blaming others
2. Repent, turn from your self worship and sin
3. Search for the positive and use it to encourage
4. Do not give up. Good will overcome evil. Light will over power darkness
5. Be kind to others especially if you are stronger, wealthier, previledged, spoiled, successful, intelligent, gifted. Pull others up.
6. Celebrate the good positive things in life
7. Be thankful for the little good positive things in life
8. Thank God to be alive