

A Republic
A Democracy
An Oligarchy
An Aristocracy

What are we
Who runs us
Are we free
What is the fuss

I can tell you
A government ran by a few
We should be bitter and blue
But who understood and knew

We live our lives
Enjoying it all
And our kids and wives
As long as we play ball

Everything is fine
Until you ask real questions
And lights will shine
On the underlying tensions

Small groups control
Our economy and government
Remember the grassy knoll 
And all the other uppercuts

These groups are self seeking
And they are underhanded
Lying when they are speaking
Stealing all they have demanded

This is the rule of the elite
The rule of the nobility
The rule of cronyism
And the rule of nepotism

A leadership class rules
Stealing everything
Thinking we are fools
Accepting their sting

Sting of war
Sting of economic disaster
Sting of epidemic
Sting of climate crisis

The same people rule our country
And is it better or worse
Neither are we hungry
Nor are resources scarce

But for many they are both
There are riots in the streets
Crime and murder that we loath
Brough to you by the cheats

Mark my words
It is too late
They will reduce us by thirds
And that is our fate


close up shot of a map with small pieces of flowers
Photo by Olha Ruskykh on Pexels.com
 I remember
 When I was younger
 I was a member
 And did not hunger
 I was strong
 I was healthy and fit
 I sang a happy song
 I had my wit
 I did not worry
 For my health
 I was in a hurry
 To make my wealth
 This was my affiliation
 Make money and win
 Part of a capitalistic nation
 But this was a sin
 To chase money
 Forgetting the rest
 It was not sunny
 Much distress
 I wanted it all
 But pursuing wealth
 Created a great brawl
 Lurking with stealth
 Destroyed relations
 Forgotten friends
 Missed donations
 Not making amends
 Strained relationships
 Desensitized to everyone
 Emotionless trip
 Kindness and empathy none
 Emotions scattered
 Health in ruin
 Definitely battered
 Ready to be done in
 Life falls apart
 Little by little
 Leading to a bad heart
 So brittle
 But I am an associate
 Paying taxes and voting
 A member of our capitalist state
 But I am not gloating
 I forgot the truth
 I forgot the guidelines
 I forgot the nursery rhymes
 I forgot the wisdom books
 A wealth of knowledge
 I learned long ago
 I must acknowledge
 I did know
 Why did I not
 Live a life
 That I was taught
 Without conflict and strife
 Was I needy
 Was I selfish
 Was I greedy
 Was I foolish
 I can agree
 I made a mess
 I was privileged and free
 Why did I need more
 Why could I not be happy
 Why did I war
 Why was I snappy
 Who cares
 All that is gone
 Drop your airs
 Today is a new dawn
 Life is here
 And kind
 Listen and hear
 Open your mind
 To another earth
 One of jubilation
 Allowing a rebirth
 Out of damnation
 To a life of fraternity
 Remembering community
 Now and for eternity
 My new opportunity