Black Lives Matter

“Abortion Wars: Kill the Supreme Court Justices” by Conrad Birmingham –

“One of the most alarming chapters of this story is the number of black abortions in the United States. Thirty percent of the black population has been aborted over the past fifty years. That is 18 million babies aborted. This is an enormous, horrific number. The real story is why there is no outcry from black leaders, especially the Black Live Movement, religious leaders, and liberal democrats. Why do they ignore these horrible, despicable statistics?”

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Do you enjoy
Your family
Or is it a ploy
Or an anomaly
A ploy to get money
A ploy to get affection
A ploy to be funny
A ploy for connection
A connection to what
A connection to who
A connection in my gut
A connection made of glue
Join us together
Fasten us to each other
A common tether
Mother or brother
Is this common
Is this normal
Is this unusual
Is this irregular
No it is not
For many to live
Relatives not forgot
Families to thrive
What is the common thread
Families to proceed
Is it the homestead
Or blood of a family creed
A creed to love
A creed to support
A creed to encourage
A creed to equally share
Generation to generation
Forgive one another
Give for the duration
Smother and smother
Smother with love
Smother with kindness
Smother with resources
Smother with mercy
Mercy is the hardest
When we feel wronged
But we can harness
By remembering we belonged
Belonged to a family line
Belonged to a congregation
Belonged to the vine
Belonged to a narration
A narration to work together
A narration to read
A narration to learn
A narration to believe
Believe in God
Believe in kin
Believe all are flawed
Believe we all sin
Sin is there
Every single day
Repent with prayer
Believe and pray
God is first
Family second
Our nation third
And there is no fourth
Align on one
Read the one
Learn the one
Worship the one
Forgive those in two
Love those in two
Show mercy to those in two
Share with those in two
Honor those in three
Respect those in three
Support those in three
Affirm those in three
Teach yours these
Time and time again
These are the keys
Our family will remain