Mans Best Friend You can never love An animal as much as a dog They fit as a glove In lifes dialogue Koa Bear Keeper Sally Sue Marvelous sidekicks A family member Pure or mix I will remember Koa on the sailboat Or protecting you from a snake A thick coarse coat His death was a heartbreak Bear a friendly Carin My first dog as my own A lord or baron I was never alone Keeper was extraordinary She was a true friend Always merry Until the end Sally Sue was the best So gentle and kind Welcoming me as a guest Our time together was fine She sailed And we walked Even as our health failed Our love was locked A companion for the ages Accompanying me through life I could write pages She was like an oldwife Persistent as my assistant So loving and caring She was so consistent And reassuring Life moved on In a regular routine A beautiful liaison She was a queen I will miss her And her beauty Life will be a blur Without any duty Walking Feeding Swimming Chasing A wonderful responsibility To take care of her In her final disability We could not deter Life ends for us all Sooner or later We all fall To death the dictator Not giving us a choice Or remedies Taking our voice Leaving just memories