

A Republic
A Democracy
An Oligarchy
An Aristocracy

What are we
Who runs us
Are we free
What is the fuss

I can tell you
A government ran by a few
We should be bitter and blue
But who understood and knew

We live our lives
Enjoying it all
And our kids and wives
As long as we play ball

Everything is fine
Until you ask real questions
And lights will shine
On the underlying tensions

Small groups control
Our economy and government
Remember the grassy knoll 
And all the other uppercuts

These groups are self seeking
And they are underhanded
Lying when they are speaking
Stealing all they have demanded

This is the rule of the elite
The rule of the nobility
The rule of cronyism
And the rule of nepotism

A leadership class rules
Stealing everything
Thinking we are fools
Accepting their sting

Sting of war
Sting of economic disaster
Sting of epidemic
Sting of climate crisis

The same people rule our country
And is it better or worse
Neither are we hungry
Nor are resources scarce

But for many they are both
There are riots in the streets
Crime and murder that we loath
Brough to you by the cheats

Mark my words
It is too late
They will reduce us by thirds
And that is our fate

Black Lives Matter

“Abortion Wars: Kill the Supreme Court Justices” by Conrad Birmingham –

“One of the most alarming chapters of this story is the number of black abortions in the United States. Thirty percent of the black population has been aborted over the past fifty years. That is 18 million babies aborted. This is an enormous, horrific number. The real story is why there is no outcry from black leaders, especially the Black Live Movement, religious leaders, and liberal democrats. Why do they ignore these horrible, despicable statistics?”

Start reading this book for free: https://a.co/7wYBQgL

My Patriot Song

waving flag of united states of america
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com
 Happy Birthday
 To our great nation
 It takes my breath away
 Both resolute and duration
 As a republic for the masses
 We have tried to represent
 Without stations and classes
 The founders intent
 A grand gamble
 To make people free
 A strong preamble
 For the world to see
 We were the first
 Many have followed
 An unquenchable thirst
 But it can be hard to swallow
 There are outrages
 Staring us in the face
 From our history pages
 What a disgrace
 Keeping people in chains
 A terrible slight
 Killing the Indians on the plains
 A horrendous blight
 Holding women back
 Not allowing them rights
 Abortion kills millions of blacks
 And millions of whites
 But is this all
 There is to the United States
 To miss our call
 And what separates
 Separates us from oppression
 One person with absolute rule
 Fascism and communism aggression
 And others of the tyrant pool
 Our ability to change and flex
 And to remember distinctly
 Through our constitutional checks
 Stating a truth succinctly
 We are in control
 The people can altar
 Through the voting poll
 When our leaders falter
 Voting is the right
 That keeps us strong
 So we must fight
 To carry this tradition along
 Traditions of our glorious past
 Maybe with a few flaws
 But we need to hold steadfast
 To our great cause
 To make people unbound
 From whatever oppresses
 Let us articulate and astound
 What our history expresses
 We lead the world
 In reducing oppression
 Our flag is unfurled
 To fight these transgressions
 Transgressions of injustice
 Transgressions of poverty
 Transgressions of race
 Transgressions of hate
 We push to correct wrongs
 Not always timely and correct
 But sing our proud songs
 And fix what is not perfect
 Stand upright and proud
 Fly our flag high
 Sing our praises out loud
 We are not the bad guy
 But democratic patriots
 Believing in individual liberties
 Spreading a brilliant radiance
 And the endless possibilities
 Possibilities of prosperity
 Throughout the earth
 Seeking a shared destiny
 For everyone from birth
 Democracy is not a dream
 Freedoms advance
 With our grand theme
 Join in the dance
 Celebrate our championships
 Proclaim our glories
 Cherish our relationships
 And tell our remarkable story