Smart Girl
Smart Girl has improved my life three times in the past two years. I am grateful for her help by reducing my anxiety, solving my leg pain issues, and identifying a possible explanation for my ongoing illness.

I recognize Smart Girl (Cynthia), and her daughter pulled me out of the pit of despair, allowing me to see there is hope, and there is a great deal of life to experience. They encouraged me to keep my journey going and do not give up. Cynthia and Elizabeth (EB) are the best friends anyone can ever possess. We experienced life together traveling many places, building sandcastles, attending an Arkansas football game, watching movies and cartoons, playing chess, building Legos, reading books, doing homework, eating breakfast, lunch or dinner, walking Sweetie Pie, taking and picking EB up to school and playing all types of sports including swimming, catching the ball, throwing the ball, swinging the bat, striking golf balls, shooting basketballs, rolling bowling balls, throwing darts, bicycling, walking, and laser tag. We had a great time, and I never thought I would experience life like that again. Thank you.
Smart Girl worked for Patterson Physical Therapy, and she identified and correcting the problems with my right leg. I went from constant step by step pain every minute of the day. My pain varied from hardly any pain to pain all the time. Patterson Physical Therapy identified my hip to heel ratio was out ten percent, and I was walking sideways. A few shoe inserts and I had instant pain relief. I want to thank them for solving the problem when many doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors could not over five years. When you are not in constant pain, you can enjoy life, and you can experience it so much more.
In June 2020, Smart Girl presented Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) as a potential identification of my ongoing illness. No one has diagnosed me with this disorder, but it is a better option than PSP. When I read the information that she sent me, it described me perfectly. I did a blog about FNA.
I wrote this poem over a year ago, and it is in my book. I think very highly of Smart Girl, and I am publishing what she has done for me in my blog. I appreciate her dedication to my health. Thank you.
Smart Girl I recognized your smart And very astute It grabbed my heart And I started the pursuit You are very pretty So adorable Witty Certainly not ignorable Your appearance is striking Blue eyes mesmerizing Gazing at you and never tiring So so energizing I did not know what to expect Wondering if I could ask Could we connect It would be a mighty task You have a daughter Live with your parents We are moving through white water But you are not embarrassed You do not text Are very independent What comes next Certainly not dependence A single mother Living life Facing challenges one after another Needing a Swiss army knife Sometimes overwhelmed Sometimes quite well Certainly compelled Not to walk on eggshells What do I see What do I believe Do not disagree Or deceive Celebrate she is special Celebrate her resolve Give her a medal Watch her evolve You are unique A mystery A good deal of mystique But you have lived a real life history So many illnesses So many miseries So many sicknesses So many memories It makes me seek you more You are so strong It could be a love affair But more two friends traveling along I like you You are so fresh How do I pursue So we mesh Patience is good Do not smother Wait, in all likelihood We will find each other Friends Buddies Our relationship will pay dividends It will be very sunny A warming experience Soothing to our bones Reducing the weariness Eliminating the groans It makes me smile It makes me laugh Worthwhile I cannot wait for the next paragraph
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