My first novel. I am excited because I have two or three more floating around in my mind.
My second novel!
I have written four books of poetry. The fourth book is just poems, while the other four books have a dialogue about my life.
Travel Books
I love to travel and explore, extending my journey of life and hope. I believe these books help you dream of new possibilities for your life.

Bicycle Tourist
I published a magazine a while ago. The magazine was Bike Tourist Magazine, and I closed it because of poor profitability. Six magazines were published, and I converted the magazines into books. There is one book which is all the magazines plus some material on Dallas.
The magazines demonstrated riding bicycles while on vacation. Each magazine highlighted one city.
The last set of books is an anthology of all my writing. These books will change over time because I will add to them. If you buy the Kindle edition, it will update the book when I update it.
I hope to add more to Bicycle Tourist. I went to twenty cities to ride bicycles and experience the bike trails in the city. I hope to add some narrative of those experiences along with pictures. I have plenty of pictures of each city.
I will write more poems, and I will add to the A to Z Volume 1 containing poetry.