What is injustice
Do we really know
Or is it trust us
Just go with the flow
The flow of slavery
Was the cry
Requiring bravery
Resulting in many to die
A Civil War
Many killed
On Americas shore
The Union fulfilled
A mighty victory
Freeing the slaves
Lincolns valedictory
Following him to the grave
Abortion a cry today
Millions killed before they are born
A legal fray
America torn
Do unborn have rights
Or they live beings
Shining living lights
With thoughts and feelings
Many do not think so
But they thought that long ago
Slaves had no ability to grow
Grow their intelligence past Jim Crow
Unable to vote
Unable to own
Unable to integrate
Unable to relate
But they were alive
And they were given birth
A dream to strive
On this earth
But not the aborted
Never given a chance
Their lives thwarted
Before given a chance to dance
Dance with breath
Dance with a cry
Dance with a hug
Dance with a kiss
Why do they not matter
Abortion is a lie
It is not a womans right
A baby in the womb
Is a God given life
Give the unborn a chance to bloom
And end this strife
Seek the justice
A living human being deserves
Our consciousness should confront us
And upset our nerves
Our nerves need to tingle
And know what is true
A fetus is a living human
Just like me and you