
close up shot of a map with small pieces of flowers
Photo by Olha Ruskykh on
 I remember
 When I was younger
 I was a member
 And did not hunger
 I was strong
 I was healthy and fit
 I sang a happy song
 I had my wit
 I did not worry
 For my health
 I was in a hurry
 To make my wealth
 This was my affiliation
 Make money and win
 Part of a capitalistic nation
 But this was a sin
 To chase money
 Forgetting the rest
 It was not sunny
 Much distress
 I wanted it all
 But pursuing wealth
 Created a great brawl
 Lurking with stealth
 Destroyed relations
 Forgotten friends
 Missed donations
 Not making amends
 Strained relationships
 Desensitized to everyone
 Emotionless trip
 Kindness and empathy none
 Emotions scattered
 Health in ruin
 Definitely battered
 Ready to be done in
 Life falls apart
 Little by little
 Leading to a bad heart
 So brittle
 But I am an associate
 Paying taxes and voting
 A member of our capitalist state
 But I am not gloating
 I forgot the truth
 I forgot the guidelines
 I forgot the nursery rhymes
 I forgot the wisdom books
 A wealth of knowledge
 I learned long ago
 I must acknowledge
 I did know
 Why did I not
 Live a life
 That I was taught
 Without conflict and strife
 Was I needy
 Was I selfish
 Was I greedy
 Was I foolish
 I can agree
 I made a mess
 I was privileged and free
 Why did I need more
 Why could I not be happy
 Why did I war
 Why was I snappy
 Who cares
 All that is gone
 Drop your airs
 Today is a new dawn
 Life is here
 And kind
 Listen and hear
 Open your mind
 To another earth
 One of jubilation
 Allowing a rebirth
 Out of damnation
 To a life of fraternity
 Remembering community
 Now and for eternity
 My new opportunity 

Night to Day

 Time spent
 Time lost
 Time went
 Time tossed
 She was the one
 I could love
 She was the sun
 I write of
 Just as in a day
 The sun sets
 Everything turns gray
 Blackness forgets
 The warmth
 The laughs
 The smiles
 The togetherness
 You lose your way
 You forget the daylight
 You wander astray
 You take flight
 Fly away
 Hide away
 Stay away
 Run away
 Less stress
 To run and hide
 Less mess
 Easier on my pride
 I am not wrong
 I am not mistaken
 I am not amiss
 I am not wrongheaded
 I was slighted
 I was insulted
 I was uninvited
 I was not consulted
 Was it necessary
 Was it essential
 Was it contrary
 Was it sequential
 Not at all
 To go toe to toe
 And to hit a wall
 Now in darkness
 Stumbling about
 Nothing but starkness
 No way out
 I am alone
 With my thoughts
 And a slight moan
 My stomach in knots
 I will wander
 Seeking reality
 I will ponder
 What is the key
 The key to fellowship
 The key to friendship
 The key to relationship
 The key to life
 Almost complete
 Running out of time
 Cannot cheat
 Not in my prime
 Stumble along
 While everyone is asleep
 Try to be strong
 Do not weep
 After every night
 Sun comes to the land
 So struggle and fight
 Say hello
 Wear a smile
 Do not judge others
 Just love and accept 


 I do not know
 Does it really matter
 The ongoing show
 Life and dreams in tatter
 My brain goes dead
 My eyes are hurt by sunlight
 My sudden falls I dread
 My words are not right
 A rare disease
 A common anxiety
 Just please please
 Not so much variety
 Give me a concern
 Give me a fight
 Give me a turn
 Give me the right
 Right to control
 Right to fix
 Right to be whole
 Right to end the conflicts
 Conflicts of doubt
 Conflicts of pain
 Conflicts to act out
 Conflicts of strain
 I am tired
 What is worse
 A life expired
 Or alone in the universe
 I am not afraid to die
 Jesus is there
 It is not a lie
 In the Lord’s care
 I afraid to be alone
 It is stressful
 A great unknown
 Very distressful
 Why why why
 Can I not be content
 I want to cry
 A great torment
 Tormented by what
 No human touch
 Not clear cut
 Or just too much
 Do I smother
 Do I overwhelm
 One after another
 Making it my realm
 Drive people away
 Make them afraid
 To share and play
 My torments are homemade
 I cannot understand
 A balanced life together
 I demand and demand
 All to be hooked by a tether
 Can I change
 Find a way
 To rearrange
 My greatest dismay
 Confined in solitary
 I have friends
 We can be merry
 But that where it ends
 No one to dance
 No companionship
 No romance
 No courtship
 I have tried
 I have bailed
 I have cried
 I have failed
 It is my fate
 To go one more time
 Is it too late
 To make my life rhyme
 Be told
 Be courageous
 Be bold
 It is advantageous 

All About Today

 I am not sure or know
 If I will waste away and die
 Every day go with the flow
 Daily just soar and fly
 Fly like a bird
 Enjoy the ride
 Move ever forward
 Take life in stride
 Stride day by day
 One day at a time
 Merriment and play
 A life that will rhyme
 Rhyme requires two
 Words that go together
 Why can it not be you
 To get me through bad weather
 I know I know another place
 And another time it is not right
 But I want to see your face
 Side by side through this fight
 A companion buddy sidekick
 Who enjoys the journey
 And we are familiar and klick
 Through many tourneys
 We are familiar
 We are comfortable
 We are known
 We are snug
 Yes it can be hard
 I can be frustrated
 Leaving you scarred
 With words I have stated
 But you are not perfect
 Ignoring and hurting me
 Increasing the conflict
 But let us agree to disagree
 All the naming and blaming
 Is a waste of energy and strength
 I am proclaiming and exclaiming
 I will go through any length
 To apologize and to repent
 I am so so sad
 Because it is not my hearts intent
 To be so mean and bad
 You may not trust me
 And want me back
 It is your choice to be free
 If there was a tiny crack
 Where we could amend
 Our life dreams
 My best friend
 I wish it is our theme
 A theme of love
 A theme of us
 A theme of care
 A theme of respect
 All of the good things
 Life demands
 As we soar on our wings
 Over the badlands
 We fly in unity
 Twisting and turning
 Searching for opportunities
 For our lifes yearnings
 Soaring higher and higher
 Flying unrestricted and liberated
 I hear the angels choir
 Beautiful and orchestrated
 Enjoy the glorious songs
 On journeys we navigate
 Easing and erasing our wrongs
 From our first to our last date 


What does a baby feel
In the womb or newborn
Joy and pain are real
The debate is torn
Torn between alive or what
A newborn is alive
There is no but
It can live and strive
What about a fetus
In the womb
Do you have a treatise
Or do you leave the room
No regard for science
It is living
Against your defiance
Answers are missing
When does the heartbeat
Not months but weeks
Six weeks like a drumbeat
The heart speaks
When the heart stops
We are declared dead
The blood flow drops
And life has fled
If you are born
You are alive with heartbeats
But not if you are unborn
Who cares if it repeats
Then comes your nervous process
Developing soon after the heart starts
Reflexes begin to progress
And pain is its counterpart
Yes pain is present
In the womb
Many will dissent
But it is not your gloom or doom
Babies move away from the intruder
Babies shrink from the abortions tools
Babies jerk from the pursuer
Babies not understanding the rules
How about brain waves
The fetus starts around forty days
We are on our way to our graves
If our brains are not ablaze
What is life
A heartbeat
A nervous system
A brain wave
I want all three
Many will disagree
But they are free
To argue with me