Good Reads – Uplifting Poems About the Death of a Loved One: Listen Do You Hear the Sound of Death? The Grim Reaper is Chasing me!

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If you want to see what makes me tick then get my book. You may need to hang on because it is a trip. A trip of despair, anxiety, and depression. My book of poetry has a happy ending! For now!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Uplifting Poems About the Death of a Loved One by Conrad Birmingham

Uplifting Poems About the Death of a Loved One

by Conrad Birmingham

Keeper in Miami Beach

Giveaway ends June 09, 2020.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Dale Treadway

Dale Treadway
Mr Treadway a good man
A man to be missed
He had a plan
And he did exist
He left me one truth
I do not know if anyone knew
From my youth
Mr Treadways worldview
Working in my backyard
We talked of business
My businesses marred
And here came his wiseness
Mr Treadway asked me
Are you a believer in Christ
Yes I try to be
A good theist
He pushed me deeper
Is it the most important thing for you
Are you a Bible truth keeper
And Mr Treadway gave me a clue
A clue to life
A clue to worth
A clue to follow
A clue to pursue
He gave me examples
People who have strived
By attending Bible classes
And their lives revived
I did not repent that day
I did not turn to God
I did not sing hallelujah
I did not fall to my knees
But his words
Changed my path
In two years
Repent I did
His words spurred
Paved my way
Along with others conferred
The Gospel is not childs play
I found the Lord
I found a better journey
I found a Savior
I found everlasting peace
Thank you
For your sincere instruction
Definitely it is the glue
To my reproduction
Not perfect
Not the best
Not faultless
Not ideal
But a true believer
So so rigorous
With Holy Spirit fever
To be so so vigorous


Idols of relaxation. Idols of relationships. Idols of fads. Idols of worship. Idols of ourselves.

What is wrong with us? Why do we self indulge? How can we not see our flaws.

There are too many gods in our world. We worship too many idols.

Not your flaws but my flaws. We need more self awareness and self analyzation.

The question is what is wrong with me? And how do I fix myself?

Fix myself to love. Fix myself to care for others. Fix myself to celebrate the good. Fix myself to worship and glorify the one true God.

The one true God is the only way to fix ourselves, our family, our friends, our neighbors, our city, our state, our country and our world. The one true God can fix anything and everything.

Start today:

1. Stop blaming others

2. Repent, turn from your self worship and sin

3. Search for the positive and use it to encourage

4. Do not give up. Good will overcome evil. Light will over power darkness

5. Be kind to others especially if you are stronger, wealthier, previledged, spoiled, successful, intelligent, gifted. Pull others up.

6. Celebrate the good positive things in life

7. Be thankful for the little good positive things in life

8. Thank God to be alive

Zoom Schwartz Profigliano

I wrote my book of poetry, and I left out one of the most important people in my life – Jim Lindberg. (I know of another which needs to be corrected Mr. George Harrison but I will get to that later) Here is my poem for Jim!


He was my boss
I met him young
Color gloss or semigloss
What was his color

He was strong
He was smart
He was energetic
He was old

Old at sixteen
Anyone over twenty
We were green
Years to come aplenty

He taught us much
Too much to list
Always there in a clutch
Able to assist

A great role model
A great friend
Would not let you dawdle
Or lead down a dead-end

We were kids
And we still played
Just lift your eyelids
And do not be afraid

See and envision
Badminton galore
Buckets of beer
In his backyard

So much fun
But the best
Cannot be outdone
Greater than all the rest

Zoom Schwartz Profigliano
We sang these words
No not soprano
But as songbirds

To each other
Around a table
As each other’s brother
This is not a fable

He taught us leadership
He taught us friendship
He taught us hard work
He taught us rhyme and balance

Time for fun and toil
Time for love
Time to spoil
Time for Him above

God was not manifest
During these times
As we followed our zest
But now in our primes

We see each other at church
Talk of God
No need to search
Neither is a fraud

Poquoson was there
So many life impressions
And with glorious prayer
He taught the best sessions